Wellness Blog


No two relationships are the same.  Everyone will deal with the mental health of themselves and their partner differently.  Those dealing with depression, anxiety, anger, or any other form of mental illness, often push away from their loved ones.  They can do this for many reasons but a main reason for withdrawing from loved ones, is because of feeling like a burden or annoyance.

Little gestures and activities can help boost your mental health and the state of your relationship.  Try going for daily walks with your partner, cooking dinner together once or twice a week, get together for a game night with friends, or go to the gym together!  There are so many ways you can help improve the mental well-being of both yourself and your partner all while growing your relationship.

Try to not be concerned about the small things.  Don’t focus on your own faults, instead seek to look at the bigger picture.  Communicate with your partner when you are feeling down or if you notice a change in their mood and mental state.

Express yourself and your emotions to your significant other.  Release your thoughts and your worries about a specific topic.  Conversations won’t always be easy, but without communication, there can not be any growth in your relationship.

A big factor in how your mental health affects your romantic relationship is whether or not you are maintaining your independence.  In relationships, it is normal to become complacent and to feel like you always need to put your partner’s needs before your own.  Although it is important to be mindful of your partner’s feelings and needs, it is important to stay in check with your own needs and boundaries.

Here are some ways you can keep the fire in your relationship alive:

  1. Be there for one another
  2. Make time to talk and communicate about your feelings
  3. Have some fun in the bedroom
  4. Plan a date night
  5. Understand where your partner is coming from and be open to new perspectives

There are many ways your mental health can affect your relationship with your significant other, but it is crucial to make your partner aware of moments you are feeling down or unstable.  Relationships take time, commitment, and effort, and so does taking care of your mental health.

Our marriage and couples therapists specialize in working with couples to heal damaged relationships, improve communication skills, work through fear of intimacy, and regain their emotional connection. Our counselors want to help you move forward and evolve together. Contact our team today!